Legal Metrology Expert Panel
A question has been raised concerning missing stickers on weighing and measuring instruments. The Legal Metrology Expert Panel has considered this matter and offers the following points for consideration.
- Legal Metrology Expert Panel
A 'Growler' is a refillable container, into which draught beer or cider is poured at licensed premises for 'off premises' consumption. They come in many different shapes and sizes and have become very popular. This note considers the legislation that relates to them. It only considers sale of beer and cider for consumption off the premises and the options a licensee has for filling the Growler.
- Legal Metrology Expert Panel
A question has been raised concerning the safe transportation of Fuel Dispenser Test Measures. The Legal Metrology Expert Panel has considered this matter and offers the following points for consideration when Local Authorities compile their own appropriate Health and Safety at Work procedures.
- Legal Metrology Expert Panel
Reports on projects led by local authorities.
- Project
- Supermarkets
- Weighing Equipment (Non-automatic Weighing Machines) Regulations 2000
- Legal Metrology Expert Panel