Primary authority
A checklist that supports the onboarding of businesses into the PA scheme ensuring key points are covered.
- Primary authority
This document template is editable. It outlines the necessary information that should be provided to a business by the primary authority.
- Primary authority
This form is editable and captures the information required to set a business up with Primary Authority.
- Primary authority
Presentation by Pete Davies at FireCo about BS 7273 covering the code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures.
- Primary authority
Updated (October 2024) version of the Expression of Interest form for Primary Authorities to complete for business seeking PA.
- Primary authority
- Templates
Primary Authority National Meeting Wednesday 9 October 2024
Slides provided by Jaime Laing from Sainsbury's, Rozinah Shah from Cherwell District Council, and John Nash from Oxfordshire County Council on how their PA partnership works in practice.
Slides provided by Jaime Laing from Sainsbury's, Rozinah Shah from Cherwell District Council, and John Nash from Oxfordshire County Council on how their PA partnership works in practice.
- Primary authority
Primary Authority Regional Groups and Panels
- Primary authority
A collection of resources from the PA SLD 2024.
- Primary authority
- Primary Authority advice
- Primary Authority training
These support good practice for primary authorities and include templates and draft agreements for use by Primary Authority partnerships.
- Primary authority
- Templates