OPSS FAQs - Metrology
What marks can and should a German manufacturer apply to capacity measures for use in the UK? Can they use CE marks until 31.12.2021? Where should the verification be carried out - in Germany or the UK? If they can verify using the UKCA mark, what documentation should they keep?
Are UK packers still able to use the ‘e’ mark? Are importers in UK and EU of ‘e’ marked packaged goods responsible for ensuring they meet legal requirements? If ‘e’ marked goods are sent to NI, is there an importer? If the ‘e’ marked goods then go onto EU, who is the exporter and importer? Is a Spanish supermarket right when they say that they will only accept products that have the 'e' mark?
Can any organisation in GB or NI remain as Notified Bodies, or is this status only reserved for organisations based in an EU country? Will there be a mutual recognition of conformity assessment bodies that will allow current UK Notified Bodies to carry on working in the EU? What is the process for UK approved bodies certifying CE marked goods. And what is the difference between a UK Approved Body and a UK Notified Body? What is the validity of NAWI/MID type examination certificates issued by an EU based Notified Body after 1 January 2021? What is the plan to have all EU type examination certificates converted to GB ones by the 1st January 2022? Can we assume that "UK Notified bodies" will not be listed on NANDO? Have any UK Notified Bodies given any indication they do not wish to be Approved Bodies?
Can a company place a CE mark and a UKCA mark on a product (if they wish to sell on both the GB & EU market), or is only one conformity mark permitted by law? In relation to the responsibilities of importers, can the required information relating to the importer's name and address be labelled on the packaging?