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Product Safety Resources

This page provides links to guidance, toolkits and other resources.
Health and Safety Executive's role as policy lead for health and safety in the workplace and as regulator for product safety for goods used in the workplace.
  1. European Directives
  2. HSE
  3. Market Surveillance
European Commission guidance on harmonised standards.
  1. European Communities Act 1972
  2. European Directives
  3. The Blue Guide
European Commission guidance on the single market for goods.
  1. European Communities Act 1972
  2. European Directives
  3. The Blue Guide
Product recall web pages.
  1. Legal and Administrative Regulations
  2. Product Recalls
Resources for local regulators.
  1. PSD
  2. RAPEX
Voluntary quality mark that manufacturers and service industries use to demonstrate safety, reliability and quality.
  1. BSI
  2. Product Safety Principles
Product Safety Enforcement Forum of Europe (PROSAFE) risk assessment web page.
  1. General Product Safety Regulations
  3. Risk Assessment
ISO creates documents that provide requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics which can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose.
  1. BSI
  2. Product Safety Principles
GB and NI cosmetic products notification portals.
  1. Cosmetics
  2. Product Safety Principles
ESA information and resources.
  1. Product Safety Principles
  2. RoPSA
Product safety information from Electrical Safety First.
  1. Electrical Safety First
  2. Plugs and Sockets
  3. Product Safety Principles
Official list of qualified gas engineers
  1. Gas Safe Register
  2. HSE
  3. Product Safety Principles
European Commission information on chemicals.
  1. CLP Regulation
  2. ECHA
  3. European Communities Act 1972
  4. REACH
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) info on The Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (Enforcement Forum).
  1. ECHA
  2. European Communities Act 1972
  3. REACH
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) information on Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.
  1. CLP Regulation
  2. HSE
  3. REACH
Resources for local regulators.
  1. GPSR
  2. OPSS
Product safety sample submission spreadsheet for local authorities.
  1. Sampling Protocol
Information on the legal status of cannabis and cannabis extracts in finished cosmetics in the UK.
  1. Cosmetics
Guidance to the Aerosol Dispensers Regulations 2009.
  1. Aerosols
  2. Product Safety Principles
Things to consider when buying and using products.
  1. CE Marking
  2. Electrical Equipment
  3. Product Recalls
Guidance on which regulations apply to which products and where to go for further information on how to comply with them.
  1. Aerosols
  2. ATEX
  3. Cosmetics
  4. Electrical Products
  5. Electromagnetic Compatibility
  6. Fireworks
  7. Gas Appliances
  8. General Product Safety Regulations
  9. Lifts
  10. Machinery
  11. Outdoor Equipment
  12. Personal Protective Equipment
  13. PPE
  14. Pressure Equipment
  15. Pyrotechnic Articles
  16. Radio Equipment
  17. Recreational Craft
  18. Simple Pressure Vessels
  19. Toys